Are you really happy in life?

Abhinav Jain
3 min readJan 24, 2023


Q. What’s your dream job?
A. “I don’t dream of labor”.

Q. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A. “Happy.”

Q. What’s your dream company?
A. “Of my friends and family.”

Q. Where do you see yourself in your career?
A. “In my hometown, gardening.”

I’d like to remind people that we have been brainwashed into thinking that “work and life need to be balanced”.


You balance things that are equally important. Work is a small part of life, not an equal to it.

Work should never be a comparable to life. Work is a subset, a tiny factor of what makes your life.

Keep it that way.

Because honestly, companies you work for don’t balance employee-welfare and profits as equals.

Employees are a P&L item. Not the end-goal. That’s it.

The ONLY Bottom line for capitalist corporations is profit. Employee happiness is a line item that is a ‘factor’ in calculating the profit.

So why make your work the bottom line of your life? Make it a line item, that is factored in to calculate the final bottom line of your life — your happiness.

Don’t ‘balance’ work life. Prioritize life, and ‘fit in’ work where it is appropriate. Not more, not less.

PS: And if you’re passionate for your work, be passionate about the vision, the solution, the people who’s needs you are catering to. Not about career day, employee of the month or promotions. That’s not passion. That’s service. Don’t be a line item in the P&L, if you are passionate. Be passionate about WHY someone is building that P&L, in that business line, for that set of customers. Don’t confuse productivity with passion.

20 Ted Talks that will change your life in 2023

These talks will teach you everything about:
Work, Life, Leadership, Motivation, Passion and success.

[1] The Happy secret to better work by Shawn Achor

[2] The Surprising science of Motivation by Dan Pink

[3] Why we do what we do by Tony Robbins

[4] Everyday Leadership by Drew Dubley

[5] Do what you love by Gary Vaynerchuk

[6] How Great Leaders inspire Action by Simon Sinek

[7] The Difference between Winning and Succeeding by John Wooden

[8] Why Work doesn’t happen at work by Jason Fried

[9] Turning fear into fuel by Jonathan Fields

[10] Smash Fear, Learn Anything by Tim Ferris

[11] The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown

[12] How to make choosing easier by Sheena Iyengar

[13] How to live to be 100+ by Dan Buettner

[14] Hacking Work by Josh Klein

[15] How to Succeed? Get more sleep by Arianna Huffington

[16] Success is a continuous journey by Richard St. John

[17] How to make work life balance Work by Nigel Marsh

[18] The Way of improvisation by Dave Morris

[19] Fear and Permission by Chris Guillebeau

[20] Keep your goals to yourself by Derek Sivers

