Bhopal Gas Tragedy | Who was Responsible?

Abhinav Jain
7 min readJan 3, 2022


Bhopal Gas Tragedy

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy, 1984 was a disaster that was unparalleled in the history of the world industry. The center was established in 1969 when Union Carbide Corp. share 51% and the rest with government officials. A chemical called Methyl Isocynate (MIC) was used as a raw material to produce pesticides which is why the industry kept a large amount of MIC.

On the difficult night of December 2, 1984, the general repair work was under way. During the washing process the staff noticed leaks and little attention was given to just remedial measures. But the leak continued and the pressure on one of the MIC tanks increased above the acceptance limit.

Due to water leaks in the lead tank due to exothermic reaction, the concrete tank cracked and the plant release valve provided a large amount of MIC to the atmosphere. The workers now understood the magnitude of the disaster and did their best to enforce the factory safety plan. But no security system was in working order. At the time, the workers felt that nothing could stop this tragedy.

Due to delays in the use of the warning and the shocking program, most people have left unannounced. As a result of MIC gas leaks people begin to suffer from constipation, vomiting and other health problems. That night about 3000 people died and another 8000 people died during the week and another 15000–20000 people died in the long run. Half a million are still directly or indirectly affected by toxic gas.

The investigation into the disaster indicates that there were several errors at all levels, listed below: -

1. The Union Carbide Factory did not have much information about the safe storage of these highly toxic gases.

2. The medical unit had no requirement regarding how to deal with pollution of this standard.

3. Lack of communication between factory and emergencies.

4. Lack of qualified factory personnel and the impact of cost reductions on the safety of machinery, its employees and the people living near the facility.

5. A factory location in a densely populated area contrary to many norms.

6. Ignorance of similar incidents reported by staff such as Phosgene leaks on December 25, 1981; another leak on 9 January 1982 to senior officials.

All of this has turned the Bhopal Gas Disaster into the worst industrial disaster in the world to date. Since this disaster, India has been facing a rapid industrialization. Although some positive changes in government policy and the conduct of a few industries have taken place as the Environmental Protection Act was passed in 1986, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) was established to strengthen India’s commitment to the environment. It established the importance of integrating environmental strategies into all national industrial development programs.

The Bhopal crisis continues to be an instant warning sign that is being ignored and ignored. An ongoing approach is needed to prevent such problems in the future.

Union Carbide

How leakage of methyl isocyanate occurs:

The Bhopal Center of Union Carbide India had three 68,000-liter MIC liquid tanks: E610, E611, and E619. In the months before the disaster, MIC production was in full swing and filling the tanks. No tank was allowed to fill more than 50% of its capacity and the tank was pumped with inactive nitrogen gas. Pressure allows the liquid MIC to be pumped out of each tank.

However one of the tanks (E610) lost its ability to contain nitrogen gas pressure, which is why MIC fluid could not be pumped out of it. As a rule, each tank could not be filled with more than 30 tons of liquid MIC. But the tank contained 42 tons.

This failure forced UCIL to suspend the production of methyl isocyanate in Bhopal and the facility was partially closed for repair. An attempt was made to reactivate the idle tank again on December 1, however, an attempt failed. At that time, most of the methyl isocyanate-related safety systems of the plant were no longer working. According to reports, by the night of December 2, the water had seeped into an inoperable tank, leading to the escape of chemicals.

The pressure in the tank rose five times a night. The decision to deal with the leak would be taken a few minutes later. By then, however, the chemical reaction in the tank had reached a critical stage. About 30 tons of MIC escaped the tank into space within an hour. Most Bhopal residents are informed of gas leaks by exposure to the gas itself.

Effect of leakage of methyl isocyanate:

Doctors did not know the appropriate treatment for the incident. Leaks of Methyl isocyanate gas have killed more than 15,000 people and affected more than 600,000 workers.

Maternity and infant mortality rates have risen by 300 percent and 200% respectively. Gas leaks affect trees and animals as well. Within a few days, the trees in the nearby area became barren. The carcasses of proud animals had to be disposed of. People were running in the streets, cleaning and dying. The city ran out of fuel.

Government response to Bhopal disaster:

Until then, the Indian government had never faced such a catastrophe. Legal proceedings between India, UCC and the US began shortly after the disaster. The government passed the Bhopal Gas Leak Act in March 1985, which allowed it to operate as a legal representative for victims.

When the UCC initially provided India with $ 5 million in aid, the government rejected that and demanded $ 3.3 billion. Finally, an out-of-court settlement was reached in February 1989, and Union Carbide agreed to pay $ 470 million in damages. The Supreme Court of India also issued monetary directives — the family of the deceased was to be fined $ 100,000–300,000. In addition, those with full or partial disability will receive rs 50,000–5,00,000 and those with temporary injuries rs 25,000–1,00,000.

The Supreme Court has asked UCIL to “voluntarily” fund a hospital in Bhopal to treat the victims of the tragedy. In June 2010, seven UCIL staff members, all of Indian descent, were convicted of negligent death and sentenced to two years in prison. However, they were also released on bail.

A Day To Remember

Bhopal after more than three decades of tragedy:

As the legal battles continued in India and the US, the Dow Chemical Company successfully took over the UCC in 2001, after which it became a fully owned company. Afterwards, Dow said the UCC was not responsible for the disaster, as it was officially a new company with new ownership.

Ingrid Eckerman in her book The Bhopal Saga recalls what the victim told her, “Death would be a great relief. It would be very bad to survive.” Thirty years later, no case has been closed. , whatever was left inside was sealed and stored there. Social gas victims’ organizations have been demanding its removal for years.

What is Methyl Isocyanate (MIC)?

Methyl Isocyanate is a colorless liquid used to make insecticides. MIC is safe if properly maintained. The chemical is very sensitive to heat. When exposed to water, the compounds in the MIC evaporate causing a thermal reaction.

Methyl Isocyanate is no longer produced, although it is still used as a pesticide. The Bayer CropScience Industry Institute, West Virgina is currently the only MIC reserve in the world.

Effect of Methyl Isocyanate chemical reaction on health:

Immediate health outcomes include ulcers, photophobia, respiratory problems, anorexia, chronic abdominal pain, genetic issues, nerves, impaired sound and visual memory, impaired thinking ability, and much more.

Long-term health outcomes include chronic conjunctivitis, decreased lung function, increased pregnancy rate, increased infant mortality, increased chromosomal abnormalities, learning disabilities and more.

Here is a list of some facts related to the same event:

1. From 1982–84, Bhopal-based journalist Rajkumar Keswani has published four articles (Please Save the City, Bhopal on the Volcano, If You Do Not Understand This You Will Be Deleted and Bhopal on the Edge of Doomsday) people about Dangers.

2. In 1999, reports found that mercury levels during gas leaks were between 20,000 and 6 million.

3 There were several leaks before the deadly leak of December 2. Another occurred in 1976 when workers noticed house pollution in the industry; one incident occurred in 1981 when an employee removed his gas mask after being struck by phosgene and died 72 hours later.

One leak occurred in 1982 when 24 employees were exposed to phosgene; one incident occurred in 1982 when the MIC leaked and exposed 18 employees; a single leak occurred in 1982 when 30% of workers’ bodies were burned by MIC leaks; another occurred in 1982 when three employees were exposed to MIC leaks; and there were several MIC leaks with other harmful gases and chemicals in 1983 and 1984.

4. The government has recorded 5,295 deaths while activists say 25,000 people have died as a result in the following years.

5. Prosecutor Warren Anderson was arrested and released on $ 2100 bail by Madhya Pradesh police. He was deported on a government plane abroad.

6. More than 2000 animals had died from gas effects and were dumped all together in a nearby river.

7. In 2007, 1,029,517 cases were registered and decided. The 5 cases awarded were 5,74,304 and 4,55,213 were rejected. The total amount of compensation paid was US $ 250 million.

8. Eveready Industries India Limited bought the UCC stake at UCIL in 1994 and finally cleared the area in 1998.

Gas In Factory

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