Oxford Vs The Anti-Vaxxers

Abhinav Jain
1 min readNov 24, 2020


The recent breakthrough announcement that the Modern vaccine proved 94% effective in trials, following a similar announcement from Pfizer and Oxford has felt like the first good news in months.

But the next giant leap towards herd immunity will be persuading everyone to actually use whatever emerges, a task made harder by the viral spread of anti-vaxxer sentiment, which while always present, has not mutated into something significant.

What really keeps public health experts awake at night, however, isn’t a handful of conspiracy theorists, nor the Russian bots, but the hypochondriacs.

It’s the “vaccine hesitant”; people in a sense not so very different from you. Or me. Or definitely our aged parents.

So how does one bring them into the vaccine fold? On the other side, how good are these companies efforts in allaying genuine risk concerns?



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