Will COVID Cause The Second ‘Lost Generation’?

Abhinav Jain
Dec 13, 2020


President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, recently spoke at a virtual summit, where she observed, ‘We were standing on one side of a massive river of uncertainty and hardship… thanks to the tremendous hard work of companies in the US, Germany and other corners of the world we’re now seeing the other side of the river’

But are we safely on out way to the other side of the choppy waters?

She also warned that a generation of young job-seekers risked having their “dreams crushed” without a rebound in jobs growth in the private sector.

Nowhere is this more pertinent than in the youngest country in the world.

A mix of technological innovation, responsible business and friendly policies for small businesses would be the recipe to avoid another ‘lost generation’ of employable talent.



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